How well do you know Clinical Laboratory Instrumentation?

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1. The semiconductor analog of a vacuum tube triode.
5. Helium molecule running around without its electrons.
7. Fluorescent ______ Immunoassay: popular method for therapeutic drug monitoring.
8. A = 65, when using this code.
10. An instrument used to measure scattered light in liquid suspensions.
13. Final resting place for photoelectrons in a vacuum tube photodiode.
15. An element used with silver in photovoltaic cells.
16. The time for a single cycle.
18. The light/matter interaction exploited by prisms.
22. The type of error observed when the zero (0%) adjustment of an amplifier is incorrectly set.
23. The 'opposite' of a galvanic electrochemical cell.
24. Round, square and flow-through are types of this.
25. A type of circuit seen in counting instruments which often make windows.
26. The basic unit of electrical power.
28. Circuits that peform mathematical operations.
32. Type of analysis to determine quantity of dissolved particles in biological fluids.
34. Finding the area under a curve.
35. A partially reflective mirror.
36. This salt of silver is popular in certain reference electrodes.
39. This type of light causes non-linearity in spectrophotometers.
40. First true numeric display tube to appear on the market.
41. 400 nm light.
42. Experiences the greatest wear-and-tear in centrifuges.
43. Any process that decreases detected fluorescence.
44. The _______ cathode lamp is a common light source in atomic absorption spectrophotometers.


1. Step-up, step-down and isolation are types of these.
2. Closeness to true values.
3. Type of digital gate, simulated by two or more switches in parallel.
4. Type of photon of nuclear origin.
5. Type of digital gate, simulated by series wired switches.
6. Repeatability.
9. A type of (light) filter with very narrow bandwidth.
11. A place where photoelectrons can hang out until bumped by ill mannered photons.
12. Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.
14. His equation sets the rules for electrochemical potentials.
17. Type of lamp commonly used for wavelength calibration.
19. You'd need a billion of these to make 1 microliter.
20. Flame _______ detector: popular in gas chromatographs for hydrocarbon analyses.
21. Smallest change in stimulus, providing a significant response.
24. Electrochemical titration.
27. 'Peak voltage' is a measure of signal _____.
29. Another name for nebulizer.
30. Acronym used to remember order of colors in the visible spectrum.
31. Electrical component that allows current to go in only one direction.
33. Enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of a luminescent substrate.
36. Electronic component that stores energy by electrostatic charge.
37. An electronic component that protects circuits from the high current of short circuits.
38. _______ scintillation is a technique used to quantitate beta particle emission.

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Answers may be found in:

The Pocket Guide to Clinical Laboratory    Instrumentation, by Terence C. Karselis

The Pocket Guide to Clinical Laboratory Instrumentation, by Terence C. Karselis, F.A. Davis Company, Publisher, Philadelphia, PA 19103

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� Copyright 1996, Western NY Micro, Inc, East Amherst, NY

Last Updated: Tuesday, February 13, 1996