Med TechNet Subscription Information
Online Continuing Education
Med TechNet is an online information service specifically designed for Clinical Laboratory Professionals.
We offer monthly continuing education presentations which include high-resolution, full-color
images, to more closely simulate "live" presentations at professional meetings. Presentations and images
may be viewed offline, at your leisure! Then, come back later and discuss the topic with the author and
other users. ... and now we offer optional P.A.C.E.® credits!
Users may call Med TechNet directly at the number shown below, or, if they currently have local telnet
access, telnet to There is no charge for dialing in and looking around. After
answering an online questionnaire, users are eligible for a free, 7-day SuperUser account (individual
membership) to fully tour the system.
What all is included in your yearly membership? Along with full access to presentations, conferences and
file areas, SuperUsers have a customizable Internet mailbox, a World Wide Web Home Page in our "Elite"
user area (or if you have a home page elsewhere, we will link it there), discounts on special purchases,
and more! (NOTE: the web page is for personal use. A personal resume ... a self-employed consultant ... a
"vanity" page! Commercial web pages, Internet mailing list administration and other network services are
also available. Contact
[email protected] with your
Calling Long Distance?
Concerned about long distance charges? The vast majority of
bbs users on Med TechNet dial into our systems from out of town,
and most take advantage of the Bluewave Offline Mail System.
With Bluewave, you can participate FULLY in Med TechNet and be
online for just a few minutes per call. Many of our members
are very active and attribute only an hour a month to Med
TechNet connections. With the many long distance plans
available, that could be as low as $5 to $7 per month! (Of
course, if you currently "browse" the web, there is no need for
a long distance call: just telnet to,
Catch the Wave!
With Bluewave, you select which of the 100+ conferences you wish to follow and participate in. Then, on
each call, Bluewave bundles all the new messages and compresses them into one, neat file that is downloaded
to your computer. Then you logoff! Once offline, you run Bluewave on your machine and all the mail is
unpacked and presented to you.
Offline Message Processing
You can read everything at your leisure because you're not online! Print out messages, save some to disk
for future reference -- whatever you like! And entering new messages (or replying to someone else's
message) couldn't be easier. You can use Bluewave's built-in text editor, or any other editor you are
comfortable with. How many online services allow you to write E-Mail (in conferences or to the Internet)
using WordPerfect or MS Word? You can do it with Bluewave.
New messages are uploaded to Med TechNet on your next call, and directed into the appropriate areas
automatically, whether the Clinical Laboratory conference, Grand Rounds or the Health Administration area.
Is that all Bluewave does? No. Bluewave does much more. More than can be covered here, like,
downloading only those messages that contain keywords you select (great for searching big conferences
for answers to problems), and downloading files from the thousands in our libraries -- right along with
your mail.
The Bluewave package can be downloaded from File Area #40 on Med TechNet and comes complete with an
electronic user manual to view online or printout. Look for the file, BWAVE*.ZIP.
Is Bluewave just for modem users? No! If you're using one of the popular communications packages (Telix,
Procom, etc.) to access the Internet, you can telnet right through to us and use Bluewave too! Ask us how!
Just an E-Mail Mailbox?
If you don't have telnet access, and don't want to call long distance, but DO have an Internet E-Mail
address, you can participate too! Med TechNet presentations can be mailed to your E-Mail address, and you
can participate in discussions solely through E-Mail. Our InterUser account is tailored made for you! It
includes all the benefits of the SuperUser account, allowing you to login if necessary.
Just Want the Presentations?
If you or your site just wants the presentations, without the online access for discussions or P.A.C.E.®
credits, the OfficeUser plan will mail hardcopy and diskettes to you with each presentation ready to view or print.
Staying current with Med TechNet
For information on various Med TechNet-hosted lists, send E-Mail to, [email protected],
and put the word, HELP, in a single line of the message.
Announcements for Med TechNet activities are broadcast via the MTNET-L list. To subscribe to this list
(free of charge), send an E-Mail message to, [email protected], and include the following line
in your message:
Group and Special Discounts
Substantial discounts are available to groups and students. Groups of 10 or more are eligible for a special
reduced rate (ProUser Plan). This may be a professional organization (such as the New York state chapter of ASCLS), a whole
lab, a consulting group, or just a few friends who get together and join as a group! In addition to the
reduced subscription rate, the group can form their own private conference area on Med TechNet, and optionally
distribute their conference as a private Internet mailing list.
Student Discounts
Students currently enrolled in a clinical laboratory science program can get FREE access! Each subscribed
faculty member may submit up to 10 student names for complimentary accounts!
US Mail - Credit Card, Purchase Order, Check
The completed information below may be printed and sent by US Mail, with check, credit card info, or
purchase order to (do not send cash):
WNY Micro, Inc.
Med TechNet Subscriptions
PO Box 84
East Amherst, NY 14051
(Please make checks payable to "WNY Micro, Inc.")
FAX - Credit Card, Purchase Order
For faster service, fax PO / credit card info to: 1-716-688-0724, 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week.
Phone - Credit Cards only
Have all the following information ready, then call 1-800-836-0720 (M-F, 9a-4p, Eastern).
Online - Credit Cards only
Have all the following information ready, then login to Med TechNet to enter the information online.
Select 'O'rder/subscribe from the MAIN MENU, then 'O'rder/credit card, from the next menu.
You may also subscribe using a credit card or pre-approved company purchase order by E-Mail, but, ONLY IF
SENT BY PGP ENCRYPTED E-MAIL (see below for our PGP Public Key). For credit card orders, be sure to
include the card type (MC, Visa or Discover), card number, and expiration date. For pre-approved purchase
orders, be sure to include PO number and full billing information, including a name and phone number for the
institution's purchasing agent/dept, and accounts payable agent/dept.
Subscription Info:
Check one:
_/ SuperUser (Individual) - No CEU's $59/Year
_/ SuperUser (Individual) - w/ CEU's $89/Year
_/ ProUser (for 10 or more in a group) $699/Year
w/ CEU's
_/ OfficeUser (US Mail) $299/Year
_/ Single Program (Individual) $29/Presentation
(One month InterUser Acct)
(SuperUser, ProUser and OfficeUser subscriptions are
renewed at lower rates.)
Bill to:____________________________________________
Method of Payment: _/ Credit card (MasterCard/Visa/Discover)
_/ Purchase Order
_/ Check/Money Order (US Funds)
(Payable to: WNY Micro, Inc.)
Credit Card Number: ____________________________ Expiration: _______
Login Name: ____________________________________________
(for direct Med TechNet access, usually a first
and last name)
Password: ______________________ (4 to 15 characters)
Internet Address:_______________________________________________________
Send all credit card/purchase orders to, [email protected], using our public PGP key shown below:
Version: 2.6
(The authenticity of our public key may always be verified by logging into Med TechNet directly,
1-716-688-1552, and selecting 'E'xtra services from the MAIN MENU.)
Contacting Med TechNet ...
Med TechNet BBS: 716/688-1552 (8 data/1 stop/No parity - to 33.6K baud)
Voice: 800/836-0720 (Monday - Friday, 9am - 4pm, Eastern Time)
FAX: 716/688-0724 (24 hours/day)
Last Updated: Monday, May 5, 1997